HT-300 Dreiseitenschneider


Next generation three-side trimmer.

Even more automation and productivity for short and medium runs: the fully automated iCE Trimmer HT-300 can be used as a stand-alone machine or inline with all Horizon perfect binders. The automatic press adjustment and the double cut function guarantee perfect cutting results at all times. The three-side trimmer offers versatile application possibilities by processing 6- and 8-page flap covers.

Your advantages

  • Ideal for cutting perfect bound products in short runs
  • Lowest possible time and personnel input
  • Zero waste - economical production even in the first run
  • Versatile: enables the processing of 6- and 8-page flap covers
  • iCE Link ready and JDF-compatible

Product video

Production Speed - Suction Feeder When trimming one book: Max. 160 to 300 books per hour, when trimming multiple books: 280 to 590 books per hour
Production Speed - Pusher Feeder When trimming one book: Max. 160 to 300 books per hour, when trimming multiple books: 160 to 300 x number of stacked books per hour
Press strength 1 to max. 7 kN via servomotor
Machine dimensions 2.406 x 1.280 x 1.550 mm (W x D x H)
a min. 152 mm, max. 350 mm
b min. 148 mm, max. 340 mm
c min. 107 mm, max. 320 mm
d min. 105 mm, max. 305 mm
e min. 1 mm, max. 51 mm
f min. 2 mm, max. 99,9 mm (“0” can be entered (no trimming))
Information Optional rotary tables might be needed

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